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gis / landscape / spatial analysis

Training and research resources in landscape analysis and GIS are available from several sources. In 2017, a new UChicago Research Computing Center Geographic Information Science (RCC-GIS) facility was established, which offers spatial analysis services to the entire UChicago community, including multi-disciplinary research consultation, education and training, spatial data mining assistance, GIS software distribution, and general GIS support. In 2018, a new GIS Hub was introduced at the Crerar Library, under the direction of GIS and maps librarian Celilia Smith, offering access to QGIS, GeoDa, ArcGIS, and other resources. In addition, Catherine Kearns offers training in landscape and survey research through Classics; NELC offers courses on landscape analysis of the Near East; and the CAMEL lab in the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures offers a state of the art computer lab for the analysis of aerial photography and remote sensing data. The Anthropology Department also has a computer lab for spatial and landscape analysis and offers multiple courses exploring theoretical perspectives on landscape and space.

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