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postdocs & research associates


Rozenn Bailleul-LeSuer

Research Associate - ISAC

An Egyptologist and specialist on birds in ancient Egypt


Andrew Hamilton

Art Institute Assoc. Curator - Lecturer ARTH

A scholar of the art and architecture of the ancient and colonial Americas, specializing in the Andes. His work is invested in analyzing objects, how they were made, used, and eventually disused, in order to understand why they were created and what cultural meanings they bore. Andrew is Associate Curator of Arts of the Americas at the Art Institute of Chicago

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Douglas Inglis

Postdoctoral Fellow - ISAC

maritime archaeologist specializing in ancient Egyptian watercraft. His research focuses on the entanglements between technology, the environment, and social practice. Douglas is also an Instructor, teaching several courses on the UCAN list.

Mannat Johal

Teaching Fellow - Anthropology

A postdoctoral teaching fellow in the Department of Anthropology. Her dissertation, Tempered by Time: Ceramics and the Fabric of Time in Medieval (12th-14th century) South India, examines how individuals and communities form relations to time in their quotidian engagements with materials. More broadly, her research addresses questions of historicity, temporality, and historical narrativization. Working with archaeological materials, her work considers the potentials of archaeological methods of fieldwork and analysis towards accounting for time-scales of action in the past, and theorizing how temporalizing practices take shape in the archaeological record. 

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Matthew Knisely

Teaching Fellow - Anthropology

A postdoctoral teaching fellow in the Department of Anthropology. His research explores the history of forager landscapes in eastern Africa, drawing on historical archaeology, political ecology, and science and technology studies. He is also interested in the Anthropocene, industrial food systems, and invasive species.

Hannah Moots

Postdoctoral Fellow - Neubauer Collegium

An archaeologist whose research draws on archaeological, historical, and genomic lines of evidence to investigate changing mobility patterns of past populations in the Mediterranean world.


Felipe Rojas

Visiting Fellow - Neubauer Collegium

An archaeologist whose research deals with the Eastern Mediterranean between the Iron Age and Late Antiquity and with the comparative history of archaeology and antiquarianism worldwide. 

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