new publications
Abbas Alizadeh
"Nippur in the Age of Covid-19." News and Notes of the Oriental Institute, 251:20-21, 2022.
"Susiana in the 4'h Millennium BC: Who was in Charge?" In Uruk - Altorientalische Metropol und Kulturzentrum, Colloquien der Deutschen Orient-Gesselschaft 8, ed. by Margarete van Ess, pp. 1-26, 2021.
"Review and Synthesis of the Neolithic Cultural Development in Fars, Southern Iran." Journal of Neolithic Archaeology 23, 2021.
"Pioneers of Archaeology: Helene J. Kantor." News and Notes of the Oriental Institute, 249:30-32, 2021.
"OI Pioneers of Archaeology in Iran: Robert McAdams." News and Notes of the Oriental Institute, 248:26-27, 2021.
"Persian Gulf and Susa Mariners." In Human and the Sea: A Review of Thousands of Years of Relationship between Humans and the Sea in Iran, ed. by F. Biglari, J. Nokandeh, A.N. Beni & A. Hozhabri, 2020.
"Pioneers of Archaeology in Iran: Donald McCown." News and Notes of the Oriental Institute, 245:30-31, 2020.
"Nippur Expedition 2019-20." Oriental Institute Annual Report, pp. 95-99, 2019-20.
"Alexander Langsdorff in Iran." News and Notes of the Oriental Institute, 243:28-29, 2019.
"Robert and Linda Braidwood." (with Kiersten Neumann). In Discovering New Pasts: The OI at 100, pp. 269-271, 2019.
"Oriental Institute Pioneers of Archaeology in Iran: Part I, Ernst Herzfeld." News and Notes of the Oriental Institute, 241:32-34, 2019.
"The Emergence of Political Buffer Zones on the Eve of Early States in Southwestern Iran." In Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Vienna, 2016, ed. by B. Horejs et al. pp. 75-79. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018.
Alain Bresson
“Rhodes circa 227 B.C. Destruction and Recovery.” In S. Fachard and E. M. Harris, eds. The Destruction of Cities in the Ancient Greek World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 189–227, 2021.
“Rhodes before the Synoecism and the Cult of Zeus Atabyrios.” Vestnik Drevnei Istorii 81.3, 663–672, 2021.
“Décret des Mogōreis pour le stratège ptolémaïque Moschiôn de Théra” (with R. Descat and E, Varinlioğlu). In P. Brun, L. Capdetrey and P. Fröhlich, eds., L'Asie Mineure occidentale au IIIe siècle a.C. Bordeaux: Ausonius, 141–171, 2021.
“Metal-Object Currency Before Coinage: China and the West.” In L. Rahmstorf, G. Barjamovic and N. Ialongo, eds. Merchants, Measures and Money Understanding Technologies of Early Trade in a Comparative Perspective. Kiel and Hamburg: Wachholtz Verlag, 289–303, 2021.
“Silverization, Prices, and Tribute in the Achaemenid Empire.” In C. J. Tuplin and J. Ma, eds. Aršāma and his World. The Bodleian Letters in Context. Vol. III, Aršāma’s World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 209–248, 2020.
Claudia Brittenham
Unseen Art: Making, Vision, and Power in Ancient Mesoamerica. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2023.
Vessels: The Object as Container. Center for Global Ancient Art, Visual Conversations series. Edited by C. Brittenham. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
“Tz’ib: die Malerei der Maya als Kulturtechnik.” In Kulturtechnik Malen: Die Welt aus Farbe erschaffen, edited by Meret Kupczyk, Ludger Schwarte, and Charlotte Warsen, pp. 47-82. Paderborn: Wilhem Fink Verlag, 2019.
“What Lies Beneath: Carving on the Underside of Aztec Sculpture,” in Conditions of Visibility, edited by Richard Neer. Center for Global Ancient Art, Visual Conversations series, Oxford University Press, 2019.
"Architecture, Vision, and Ritual in the Maya City of Yaxchilan: The Structure 23 Lintels,” The Art Bulletin 101(3), 2019.
“When Pots had Legs: Body Metaphors on Early Classic Maya Vessels,” in Vessels: The Object as Container, ed. Claudia Brittenham, pp. 81-119. Center for Global Ancient Art. Visual Conversations series, Oxford University Press, 2019.
Shannon Dawdy
"Towards a political ecology of piracy in the Age of Sail." World Archaeology,, 2024
The New Death: Mortality and Death Care in the Twenty-first Century (co-editor with Tamara Kneese, SAR/University of New Mexico Press, 2022.
"The Embalmer's Magic." In The New Death: Mortality and Death Care in the Twenty-first Century, ed by S. Dawdy and T. Kneese, SAR/University of New Mexico Press, 2022.
American Afterlives: Reinventing Death in the Twenty-first Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Finalist for PROSE Award in Cultural Anthropology and Sociology.
"The Wounded Landscape: Disaster, Trauma, and Ontology." In Reverberations: Violence Across Time and Space. Eds. Yael Navaro, Zerrin Ozlem Biner, Alice von Bieberstein, and Seda Altug. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021.
"Mound-Building and the Politics of Disaster Debris." Going Forward by Looking Back: Archaeology Perspectives on Socio-Ecological Crisis, Response, and Collapase, eds. Felix Riede and Payson Sheets, pp. 256-72. Berghahn Books, 2020.
"Talking Trash and the Politics of Disregard." Cambridge Archaeological Journal 30(1): 156-160, 2020.
"Nuevo Orleans: Parts Made in Mexico". In Remaking New Orleans: Beyond Exceptionalism and Authenticity, ed. Thomas Adam and Matt Sakakeeny. Duke University Press, 2019.
"American Afterlives: Ghosts in the Commodity Form." Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 6(2): 206-223, 2019.
"Zombies and a Decaying American Ontology." Journal of Historical Sociology 32: 17-25, 2019.
"La Catrina: The Mexican Specter of New Orleans." In Remaking New Orleans: Beyond Exceptionalism and Authenticity, ed. Thomas Adam and Matt Sakakeeny. Duke University Press, pp. 35-54, 2019.
"Death and Archaeology in the Present, Tense." In Rethinking Historical Time: New Approaches to Presentism. Eds. Marek Tamm and Laurent Olivier. Bloomsbury Press.
"The Abject Ruins of Marxism." Cultural Dynamics 30(1-2): 119-121, 2018.
"Archaeology of Everyday Life in Early New Orleans." In New Orleans, the Founding Era, ed. Erin Greenwald, Historic New Orleans Collection, 2018.
See also the website for Shannon Dawdy's new film project called "My Star, My Dust", an experimental documentary that asks: How are funeral practices changing and what does this say about the beliefs and values of the living?
Michael Dietler
"Six provocations in search of a pretext". In The Connected Iron Age: Interregional Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean, 900-600 BCE, edited by Jonathan Hall and James Osborne, pp.233-252. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2022.
"Alcohol as embodied material culture: anthropological reflections on the deep entanglement of humans and alcohol". In Alcohol and Humans: A Long and Social Affair, edited by Robin Dunbar and Kimberley Hockings, pp. 299-319. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
The Emporion in the Ancient Western Mediterranean: Trade and Colonial Encounters from the Archaic to the Hellenistic Period, edited with Eric Gailledrat & Rosa Plana-Mallart. Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (Collection Monde Ancien), 2018.
“Emporia: spaces of encounter and entanglement.” In The Emporion in the Ancient Western Mediterranean: Trade and Colonial Encounters from the Archaic to the Hellenistic Period, edited by Eric Gailledrat, Michael Dietler and Rosa Plana-Mallart, pp. 231-242. Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (Collection Monde Ancien), 2018.
"Introduction: the emporion in context" with Eric Gailledrat & Rosa Plana-Mallart. In The Emporion in the Ancient Western Mediterranean: Trade and Colonial Encounters from the Archaic to the Hellenistic Period, edited by Eric Gailledrat, Michael Dietler and Rosa Plana-Mallart, pp. 11-16. Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (Collection Monde Ancien), 2018.
„Alkohol als verkörperte Materielle Kultur: Vergleichende kulturanthropologische Überlegungen zum Konsum von Alkohol.“ In Was tranken die frühen Kelten? Bedeutungen und Fonktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa, edited by Philipp Stockhammer and Janine Fries-Knoblach. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 2018.
“Alcohol as liquid material culture: feasting in comparative perspective.” In Animal-Shaped Vessels from the Ancient World: Feasting with Gods, Heroes, and Kings, exhibit catalogue edited by Susanne Ebbinghaus. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2018.
Jas' Elsner
Empires of Faith in Late Antiquity: Histories of Art and Religion from India to Ireland, ed. by J. Elsner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
"A Roman vessel for cosmetics: form, decoration, and subjectivity in the muse Casket." In Vessels: The Object as Container, ed. by C. Brittenham, pp. 50-80. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
"Mutable, flexible, fluid: papyrus drawings for textiles and replication in roman art." Art Bulletin 102(3):7-27, 2020.
"Concealment and Revelation: The Pola Casket and the Visuality of Early Christian Relics." In Conditions of Visibility, ed. by R. Neer, pp. 74-110, 2019.
"Some Observations on Dionysiac Sarcophagi." In Visual Histories of the Classical World: Essays in Honour of R.R.R. Smith, ed. by Draycott, CM, Raja, R, Welch, K, Wootton, WT, pp. 425-446. Brepols: Turnhout, 2019.
"Exhibitions and the formation of knowledge." Know: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge 2(2):321-340, 2018.
"The embodied object: Recensions of the dead on Roman sarcophagi." Art History 41(3):547-565, 2018.
"Ornament, figure and mise en abyme on Roman sarcophagi." In Ornament and Figure in Graeco-Roman Art Rethinking Visual Ontologies in Classical Antiquity, ed. by Dietrich, N, Squire, M. De Gruyter, 2018.
"Place, Shrine, Miracle." In Ex Voto: Agents of Faith, ed. by I. Weinryb, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018.
Seth Estrin
Grief Made Marble: Funerary Sculpture in Classical Athens. New Haven: Yale University Press, forthcoming.
“Horoi and Horizons in Fifth- and Fourth-Century Athens.” In Shifting Horizons: A Line and its Movement in Art, History, and Literature, ed. L. Burkart and B. Fricke (27-54). Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 2022.
“Sirens on the Edge of the Classical Attic Funerary Monument.” In Music and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean, ed. L. Curtis and N. Weiss (261-286). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.
“Classical Sculpture from the Athenian Agora, Part 2. The Friezes of the Temple of Athena Pallenis (Temple of Ares)” (with Stewart, A., E. Driscoll, N. J. Gleason, E. Lawrence, R. Levitan, S. Lloyd-Knauf, and K. Tuberville), Hesperia 88.4 (2019): 625-705.
“Experiencing Elegy: Materiality and Visuality in the Ambracian Polyandrion.” In The Genres of Archaic and Classical Greek Poetry: Theories and Models, ed. L. Kurke, M. Foster, and N. Weiss (298-324). Leiden: Brill, 2019.
“Memory Incarnate: Material Objects and Private Visions in Classical Athens, from Euripides’ Ion to the Gravesite.” In The Materialities of Greek Tragedy: Objects and Affect in Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, ed. M. Mueller and M. Telò (111-132). London: Bloomsbury, 2018.
Jean Evans
Nippur VI. Sounding B and the Inana Temple. Excavations of the Joint Expedition to Nippur of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, and the Baghdad Committee, American Schools of Oriental Research. Ed. Karen L. Wilson and Richard L. Zettler, with Jean M. Evans. Oriental Institute Publications. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, (forthcoming)
“Early Dynastic Sacred Gifting Practice and the Uninscribed Material Culture of Dedication,” Textual Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, edited by Yağmur Heffron. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (forthcoming).
Mesopotamian Temple Inventories in the Third and Second Millennia BCE: Integrating Archaeological, Textual, and Visual Sources. Ed. Jean M. Evans, Paola Paoletti, and Elisa Roßberger. Münchner Abhandlungen zum Alten Orient. Munich: PeWe-Verlag, 2019.
“Religious Architecture” In: A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Art, edited by Ann C. Gunter, 433-56. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2018.
“Composing Figural Traditions in the Mesopotamian Temple” In Composite Artefacts in the Ancient Near East: Exhibiting an Imaginative Materiality, Showing a Genealogical Nature, edited by Silvana di Paolo, Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology 3, pp. 65-72. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd., 2018.
Jonathan Hall
The Connected Iron Age: Interregional Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean, 900-600 BCE, edited with James Osborne. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press 2022.
Reclaiming the Past: Argos and its Archaeological Heritage in the Modern Era Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2021.
“The Archaeology of ‘Celebrities’ in the Greek and Roman Worlds,” Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia 30 (2018), 310-327.
“Hellenic Homelands: The Greek Diaspora, Ancient and Modern,” in L. Nevett and J. Whitley, eds, An Age of Experiment: Classical Archaeology Transformed, 1976-2014, pp. 235-246. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Catherine Kearns
The Rural Landscapes of Archaic Cyprus An Archaeology of Environmental and Social Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
“Cypriot Iron Age Communities in Time and Place: Considering Amathus in a Regional Context.” In S.W. Manning (ed.), Critical Approaches to the Archaeology of Cyprus and the Wider Mediterranean, 64-84. Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 16. London: Equinox, 2022.
“Mediterranean Interconnections Beyond the City: Rural Consumption and Trade in Archaic Cyprus.” In J. Hall and J. Osborne (eds.), The Connected Iron Age: Interregional Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean, 900-600 BCE. University of Chicago Press, 2022.
“Rural Complexities: Comparative Investigations of Small Iron Age Sites in South-Central Cyprus” (with A. Georgiadou). Journal of Field Archaeology 46.7: 461-479, 2021.
New Directions in Cypriot Archaeology, co-edited with S.W. Manning, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2019.
“Discerning ‘favorable’ climates: science, survey archaeology, and the Cypriot Iron Age.” In C. Kearns and S.W. Manning (eds.), New Directions in Cypriot Archaeology, 266-294. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2019.
“Cyprus in the surging sea: spatial imaginations of the eastern Mediterranean.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 148(1): 45-74, 2018.
Derek Kennet
Southeast Arabia at the Dawn of the Second millennium: The Bronze Age Collective Graves of Qarn al-Harf, Ras al-Khaimah (UAE). (with A. Caine, A. Hilton, C. Velde, L. Weeks and others), Oxbow. 2024.
"Longquan celadon: a quantified archaeological analysis of a pan-Indian Ocean industry of the 12th to 15th centuries" (with Ran Zhang, P. Brown, X. Song, G. Wang, Y. Zhai, and M. Wu). World Archaeology. 2023.
Sasanian and Islamic settlement and ceramics from Southern Iran 4th – 17th century AD: the Williamson Survey (with Seth Priestman), British Institute for Persian Studies/Oxbow. 2023.
"The nature of 3rd-millennium settlement: the example of al-Tikha (Rustaq) an Umm an-Nar site on the Batinah coast of Oman" (with W. Deadman, M. de Vreeze and N. al-Jahwari). Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy. 2022.
Excavations at Paithan, Maharashtra: Transformations in Early Historic and Early Medieval India (with M. Kasturi Bai and J.V.P. Rao). de Gruyter. 2020.
Yungti Li
Kingly Crafts: The Archaeology of Craft Production in Late Shang China. New York: Columbia University Press, 2022.
Wei-Cheng Lin
The Allure of Matter: Materiality Across Chinese Art, edited with Orianna Cacchione. Chicago: University of Chicago's Center for the Art of East Asia and Smart Museum of Art, 2021.
"The Allure of Matter: Materiality Across Chinese Art: Introduction" In The Allure of Matter: Materiality Across Chinese Art, ed. by Orianna Cacchione and Wei-Cheng Lin. Chicago: University of Chicago's Center for the Art of East Asia and Smart Museum of Art, 2021.
“What Did ‘Architecture’ Do in Visualizing Dunhuang.” In Visualizing Dunhuang: Seeing, Studying, and Conserving the Caves, edited by Dora C. Y. Ching. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021.
"Broken Bodies: The Death of Buddhist Icons and Their Changing Ontology in Tenth-through Twelfth-Century China." In Refiguring East Asian Religious Art, eds. Paul Copp and Wu Hung, pp. 78-103. Chicago: The Center for the Art of East Asia, 2019.
"Screening the Chinese Interior: Architectonic and Architecturesque." In The Multivalent Screen: Materiality and Representation in East Asian Visual Culture, eds. Foong Ping and Chelsea Foxwell, pp. 73-100. Chicago: the Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago, 2019.
Carolina López-Ruiz
“From Kothar to Kythereia: Exploring the Northwest Semitic Past of Aphrodite,” in H. H. Hardy II, J. Lam, and E. D. Reymond, eds. “Like ʾIlu Are You Wise”: Studies in Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures in Honor of Dennis G. Pardee. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 353-73 (in press).
“Selectivamente orientalizante: Colonización fenicia y oportunidad económica en el Mediterráneo arcaico,” in C. Ando and R. Payne, eds. Ancient Inequalities: Economy, Culture, and Society in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (forthcoming).
“The Resilience of a ‘Non-People’: The Case for a Reconstructed Phoenician Identity,” eds. V. Manolopoulou, J. Skinner, and Ch. Tsouparopoulou, Identities in Antiquity, (Rewriting Antiquity Series, Routledge) (forthcoming).
“Phoenicians and the Iron Age Mediterranean: A Response to Phoenicoskepticism,” in J. Hall and J. Osborne, eds. The Connected Iron Age: Interregional Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean 900-600 BCE. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press 2022.
“Not Exactly Atlantis: Some Lessons from Ancient Mediterranean Myths,” in M. Álvarez Martí- Aguilar and F. Machuca Prieto, eds., Historical Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Archaeology in the Iberian Peninsula. Singapore: Springer, 2022.
Phoenicians and the Making of the Mediterranean. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021.
“Siting the Gods: Narrative, Cult, and Hybrid Communities in the Iron Age Mediterranean,” in A. Kelly and Ch. Metcalf, eds. Gods and Mortals in Early Greek and Near Eastern Mythology, pp. 37-57. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.
Tartessos and the Phoenicians in Iberia, (with S. Celestino Pérez.) Oxford University Press, 2016. [In Spanish: Tarteso y los fenicios de occidente, Almuzara, 2020, second ed. 2022].
“The God Aion in a Mosaic from Nea Paphos (Cyprus) and Graeco-Phoenician Cosmogonies in the Roman East,” Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 21-22:423-47. (special vol. ed. M. A. Santamaría), 2020.
“Reificar o no reificar? Fenicios, tartesios, y el problema de las identidades sin voz,” eds. S. Celestino and E. Rodríguez, Un viaje entre el Oriente y el Occidente del Mediterráneo. IX Congreso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos (MYTRA 5; Mérida: CSIC, pp. 51-56, 2020).
“The Sphinx: a Greco-Phoenician Hybrid,” eds. J. Price and R. Zelnick-Abramovitz, Text and Intertext in Greek Epic and Drama: Essays in Honor of Margalit Finkelberg, pp. 292-310. Oxon-New York: Routledge, 2020 [2021].
“They Who Saw the Deep: Achilles, Gilgamesh, and the Underworld,” (with F. Karahashi and M. Ziemann). Kaskal: Rivista di storia, ambienti e culture del Vicino Oriente Antico 15 (2018): 85-108 [2020].
“Phoenician Literature,” in C. López-Ruiz and B. R. Doak, Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean, pp. 257-269. Oxford University Press, 2019.
“Introduction,” in C. López-Ruiz and B. R. Doak, Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean, pp. 3-8. Oxford University Press, 2019.
“Alien o alienable? Notas sobre la relación entre fenicios y griegos,” in G. Cruz Andreotti, ed., Tras los pasos de Momigliano: centralidad y alteridad en el mundo greco-romano, pp. 43-55. Bellaterra: Barcelona, 2019.
Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean, (edited with Brian Doak) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Maria Cecelia Lozada
Exploring Ontologies of the Precontact Americas: From Individual Bodies to Bodies of Social Theory, edited with Gordon F.M. Rakita. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2024.
Andean Ontologies: New Archaeological Perspectives, edited with Henry Tantaleán. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2019.
Archaeological Human Remains: Legacies of Imperialism, Communism and Colonialism, edited with Barra O'Donnabhain. New York: Springer, 2018.
Social Skins of the Head: Body Beliefs and Ritual in Ancient Mesoamerica and the Andes, edited with Vera Tiesler. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2018.
Dominik Lukas
"Diachronic entanglements at Çatalhöyük: complementing network visualisations of key human and thing dependencies with a data-scaffolding and modelling approach" (with A. Mol & I. Hodder). In Communities at Work: The Making of Çatalhöyük, ed. by Ian Hodder & Christina Tsoraki, pp. 215-228. London: British Institute at Ankara, 2021.
"Data analysis and integration at Çatalhöyük" (with C. Kabukcu & C. Mazzucato). In The Matter of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2009-2017 Seasons, ed. by I. Hodder, pp. 409-435. London: British Institute at Ankara, 2021.
"Architektur im Kontext multipler Kontaktzonen der ›Romanisierung‹. Zur Frage nach der Kontinuität von spätlatènezeitlichem und römischem Bauen in Mitteleuropa." In Kontaktmodi. Ergebnisse der gemeinsamen Treffen der Arbeitsgruppen »Mobilität und Migration« und »Zonen der Interaktion« (2013–2018), Studien aus den Forschungsclustern des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 17, ed. by D. Marzoli et al., pp. 65-84. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2020.
"Towards a Living Archive: Making Multi-Layered Research Data and Knowledge Generation Transparent" (with C. Engel & C. Mazzucato). Journal of Field Archaeology 43(51): S19-S30, 2018.
Marc Maillot
"The archaeological site of Damboya, a Royal City of the Meroitic Empire". Egyptian Archaeology 59, 2022.
"Palaces, Kushite". In The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa, ed. by D.T. Potts et al. London: John Wiley & Sons, 2022.
"The archaeological site of Damboya in the Shendi reach. Second Season". Sudan and Nubia 25, 2022.
"Un siècle de fouilles archéologiques au Soudan". In Sfdas, Le livre du cinquantenaire, ed by M. Maillot, O. Cabon, pp. 154-187. UNESCO, 2021.
"The archaeological site of Damboya, a Royal City of the Meroitic Empire". Sudan and Nubia 24, 2021.
"The palace of Muweis and its medieval necropolis", Sudan and Nubia 24, 2021.
"Leprosy in a Medieval Cemetery from Sudanese Nubia". BMSAP 33, 2020.
"La SFDAS: 50 and de fouilles françaises au Soudan". Pharaon magasine 40:44-48, 2020.
"Cultural transmission of architectural traits: From the Near East to the Meroitic kingdom", with Jelmer Eerkens. Journal of Archaeological Science 24, 2019.
Augusta McMahon
"Pieces of String: Cordage in Late Chalcolithic Northern Mesopotamia." In. M. Altaweel & C. Hritz, eds. From Sherds to Landscapes: Studies on the Ancient Near East in Honor of McGuire Gibson. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 71. Chicago: Oriental Institute: 167-182, 2021.
"Urban Sustainability in Northern Mesopotamia: Late Chalcolithic Tell Brak." In M. van Ess, ed., 8th International Colloquium of the German Oriental Society; Uruk – Ancient Near Eastern Metropolis and Cultural Centre. Harrassowitz. 271-284, 2021.
"Experiments in Recording Practices in 4th millennium BC Northern Mesopotamia." In F. Balossi Restelli, A. Cardarelli, G.M. di Nocera, L. Manzanilla, L. Mori, G. Palumbi & H. Pittman, eds. Pathways Through Arslantepe; Essays in Honour of Marcella Frangipane. Rome: Sapienza Università, 337-346, 2020.
"Early Northern Mesopotamian Urbanism." Journal of Archaeological Research 28(3): 289-337, 2020.
"The Sensory World of Mesopotamia." In J. Day & R. Skeates, eds. Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology. London: Routledge, 2019.
"The Mitanni Palace and Settlement at Tell Brak, Northeast Syria." In D. Wicke, ed. Der Palast im antiken und islamischen Orient. 9th International Colloquium of the German Oriental Society. Harassowitz: 109-120, 2019.
Anna-Latifa Mourad-Cizek
'Hand Cartonnage, Egypt: Care', in M. Bommas (ed.), 100 Treasures / 100 Emotions. London, 60-61, 2022.
The Enigma of the Hyksos Volume II: Transforming Egypt into the New Kingdom. The Impact of the Hyksos and Egyptian-Near Eastern Relations. Harrossowitz Verlag, 2021.
'Transforming Egypt into the New Kingdom: The Movement of Ideas and Technology across Geopolitical, Cultural and Social Borders', in M. Bietak and S. Prell (eds), The Enigma of the Hyksos, vol. IV: Changing Clusters and Migrations in the Near Eastern Bronze Age CAENL 12, Wiesbaden, 457-476, 2021.
"Urban Sustainability in Northern Mesopotamia: Late Chalcolithic Tell Brak." In M. van Ess, ed., 8th International Colloquium of the German Oriental Society; Uruk – Ancient Near Eastern Metropolis and Cultural Centre. Harrassowitz. 271-284, 2021.
Beni Hassan, vol. 5: The Tomb of Khnumhotep I (with M. Lashien). Australian Centre for Egyptology, 2019.
Richard Neer
Pindar, Song, and Space: Towards a Lyric Archaeology (co-authored with Leslie Kurke). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019.
Conditions of Visibility. Edited by R. Neer. Center for Global Ancient Art, Visual Conversations series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
“Figure, ground, ornament and visibility: From Geometric to Classical.” In Ornament and Figure in Graeco-Roman Art: Rethinking Visual Ontologies in Classical Antiquity, edited by Michael Squire and Nikolaus Dietrich. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2018.
Kiersten Neumann
“From raw to ritualized: following the trail of incense of the Assyrian Temple,” in Sensing Divinity: Incense, Religion and the Ancient Sensorium, edited by A. Grand-Clément, A. Vincent, M. Bradly, and A-C Rendu Loisel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (forthcoming).
"Urbanisation Beyond the City Walls: Ritualised Practice and Sensory Experience at Sennacherib’s Khinis Canal Head,” in Religion and Urbanity, eds. J. Rüpke and S. Rau. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2022.
The Routledge Handbook of the Senses in the Ancient Near East, edited with Allison Thomason. New York: Routledge., 2022.
“To Touch Upon: A Tactile Exploration of the Apadana Reliefs at Persepolis,” in The Routledge Handbook of the Senses in the Ancient Near East, edited by Kiersten Neumann and Allison Thomason, pp. 77–99. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, 2022.
“Sensing the Sacred in the Neo-Assyrian Temple: The Presentation of Offerings to the Gods,” in Distant Impressions: The Senses in the Ancient Near East, eds. A. Hawthorn and A-C. R. Loisel. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2019.
“Laying the Foundations for Eternity: Timing Temple Construction in Assyria,” in Sounding Sensory Profiles in Antiquity: On the Role of the Senses in the World of Ancient Israel and the Ancient Near East, International Conference, Vienna, March 23–35, 2017, eds. T. Krüger and A. Schellenberg, Ancient Near East Monographs (ANEM), pp. 253–278. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2019.
“Reading the Temple of Nabu as a Coded Sensory Experience,” Iraq 80:181–201, 2018. DOI: 10.1017/irq.2018.11
Sarah Newman
Unmaking Waste: New Histories of Old Things. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2023.
"The Fox and the Armadillo: An Inquiry into Classic Maya “Animal” Categories". (with Franco D. Rossi). Ancient Mesoamerica. 2022.
*Assembling Petra’s Rural Landscapes. Second author with Felipe Rojas et al. Antiquity 94(136): e23, 2020.
“Olores placenteros y molestos entre los mayas del Clásico [Smells Fair and Foul Among the Classic Maya].” (with Stephen Houston). In Olores y sensibilidad olfativa en la historia de Mexico [Smells and Olfactory Sensibility in the History of Mexico], edited by E. Dupey García and G. Pinzón Ríos, pp. 49-79. Fondo de Cultura Económica and Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas/Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, 2020.
“Sensorial Experiences in Mesoamerica: Existing Scholarship and Possibilities.” In The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology, edited by Jo Day and Robin Skeates, pp. 479-497. Routledge, London.
“Stoan Branches Unner a Stoan Sky.” Norwegian Archaeological Review 52(2): 140-143, 2019.
"Rubbish, Reuse, and Ritual at the Ancient Maya Site of El Zotz, Guatemala", Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 2018.
“Collapse, Continuity, Change: El Zotz in the Terminal Classic Period.” (with Jóse Luis Garrido López and Nicholas Carter). In An Inconstant Landscape: Archaeological Investigations at El Zotz, edited by T.G. Garrison and S.D. Houston, pp. 116-139. University of Colorado Press, Boulder, 2018.
"Border Lords and Client Kings: El Zotz and Bejucal in the Late Classic Period.” (with Nicholas Carter and Yeny Gútierrez Castillo). In An Inconstant Landscape: Archaeological Investigations at El Zotz, edited by T.G. Garrison and S.D. Houston, pp. 93-115. University of Colorado Press, Boulder, 2018.
“Understanding Social, Economic, and Political Change: The Ceramics of El Zotz.” (with Ewa Czapiewska-Halliday, Nicholas Carter, Melanie Kingsley, and Alyce de
Carteret). In An Inconstant Landscape: Archaeological Investigations at El Zotz, edited by T.G. Garrison and S.D. Houston. University of Colorado Press, Boulder, 2018.
James Osborne
The Connected Iron Age: Interregional Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean, 900-600 BCE, edited with Jonathan Hall. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press 2022.
The Syro-Anatolian City-States: An Iron Age Culture. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2020.
“Representing Cities in Syro-Anatolian and Neo-Assyrian Art,” pp. 197-209 in Assyromania and More: In Memory of Samuel M. Paley. F. Pedde and N. Shelley, eds. Oxford University Press. Münster: Zaphon, 2018.
Maanasa Raghavan
"The Genomic and Cultural Diversity of the Inka Qhapaq Hucha Ceremony in Chile and Argentina" (with C. de la Fuente Castro et al.). Genome Biol Evol. 2024 Sep 03; 16(9) , 2024.
"Distinct positions of genetic and oral histories: Perspectives from India" (with A. Biddanda et al.). HGG Adv, 2024.
"Going local with ancient DNA: A review of human histories from regional perspectives" (with M.C. Avila-Arcos & C. Schlebusch). Science. 2023 10 06; 382(6666):53-58, 2023.
"Recommendations for Sustainable Ancient DNA Research in the Global South: Voices From a New Generation of Paleogenomicists" (with C. de la Fuente Castro et al.). Front Genet 13:880170, 2022.
"The Articulation of Genomics, Mestizaje, and Indigenous Identities in Chile: A Case Study of the Social Implications of Genomic Research in Light of Current Research Practices" (with C.P. Silva et al.). Front Genet. 13:817318, 2022.
"An Ancient Genome from the Indus Valley Civilization" (with H. Schroeder & A.S. Malaspinas). Cell. 10 17; 179(3):586-588, 2019.
Hervé Reculeau
"On Some Metrological Issues Affecting Yield Estimates in Second Millennium BCE Upper Mesopotamia. Journal of Cuneiform Studies, 2018.
François Richard
"Peanuts, Pangool and Places: Constellations of Colonial Capitalism in Rural Senegal". Historical Archaeology 53(3), 2019.
"African Futures Past: Material Horizons of Peasant Expectations in Senegal". Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 6(1): 64-84, 2019.
Reluctant Landscapes: Historical Anthropologies of Political Experience in Siin (Senegal). University of Chicago Press, 2018.
Yorke Rowan
"Late Prehistory of the Lower Galilee: Multi-faceted investigations of Wadi el-Ashert" (with M. M. Kersel, A. C. Hill and T. Urban). Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 385.1. 2021.
"Fodder, Pasture, and the Development of Complex Society in the Chalcolithic: isotopic perspectives on animal husbandry at Marj Rabba" (with M. Price, M.M. Kersel and C. A. Makarewicz). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12, 95. 2020.
"Inscribed Landscapes in the Black Desert: Petroglyphs and Kites at Wisad Pools, Jordan" (with A.C. Hill, A. Wasse and G. O. Rollefson). Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy: 1-18. 2020.
The Social Archaeology of the Levant: From Prehistory to the Present (edited with A. Yasur-Landau and E.H. Cline), Cambridge University Press, 2019.
David Schloen
"Zincirli Höyük Kazıları 2018." (with V. Herrmann & T. Kalayci). Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 1 Cilt, pp. 525-536. Kültür ve Truism Bakangligi, 2019.
"Zincirli Höyük, Ancient Sam’al: A Preliminary Report on the 2015 Excavation Season." (with V.R. Herrmann). In Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, ed. by Barbara Horejs et al., pp. 521-534. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 2018.
Mehrnoush Soroush
"Dynamics of Agricultural Investment in al-Ahwaz in the Late Antique to Early Islamic Period." In H. Kennedy & F. Bassard (Eds.), Geography and Infrastructure of Trade in Early Islam. Oxford University Press. (In Press)
"The Erbil Plain Archaeological Survey: Preliminary Results, 2012-2020" (with J. A. Ur et al. Iraq 83:205-243, 2021.
"Urban Resilience and Hydraulic Continuity Against a Backdrop of Wars and Conquests, the Susiana Plain of Iran in the First Millennium CE." In A. Alehashemi, J.-F. Coulais, & G. Hubert (Eds.), Water & City, Hydraulic Systems and Urban Structures, Proceedings of the Workshop on Water and City, Yazd, 2018. L’Oeil d’Or., 2020.
"Deep Learning in Archaeological Remote Sensing: Automated Qanat Detection in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq." (with Mehrtash, A., Khazraee, E., & Ur, J. A.). Remote Sensing, 12(3). 2020.
"Ancient Irrigation Systems of the Aral Sea Area: The History, Origin, and Development of Irrigated Agriculture" [Book review]. Central Asian Survey; Oxford, 37(3), 493–496, 2018.
"Adaptation to Short-Term Cataclysmic Events: Flooding in Premodern Riverine Societies." Human Ecology, 1–13, 2018.
Gil Stein
"Animal Production and Secondary Products in the Fifth Millennium BC in Northern Mesopotamia: New Data from Tell Surezha (Iraqi Kurdistan)" (with M. Price & M. Fisher). Paléorient 47:45-65, 2021.
"Cultural Heritage Work in Afghanistan 2020-21." Oriental Institute Annual Report 2020-2021. pp 19-25, 2021.
"Leadership strategies and the multi-linear development of social complexity in Ubaid Mesopotamia and Susa A southwestern Iran (5500-4000 BCE)." In Pathways through Arslantepe. Essays in Honour of Marcella Frangipane. eds. Francesca Balossi Restelli, Andrea Cardarelli, Gian Maria Di Nocera, Linda Manzanilla, Lucia Mori, Giulio Palumbi, and Holly Pittman, pp. 173-187. Sapienza Universitá de Roma. 2020.
"Surezha excavations 2019: Erbil plain, Kurdistan region, Iraq" (with M. Fisher). Oriental Institute Annual Report 2019-2020, pp 127-145. 2020.
"Cultural Heritage Preservation Work in Afghanistan and Central Asia." Oriental Instiute 2019-2020 Annual Report, pp 19-29. 2020.
"Surezha Excavations 2018, Erbil Plain, Kurdistan Region, Iraq" (with M. Fisher). Oriental Institute Annual Report 2018-19, pp 125-138. 2019.
"A Preliminary Assessment of Ceramic Style and Chemical Composition During the Chalcolithic Era at Surezha, Iraqi Kurdistan" (with L. Minc & J.R. Alden). Paléorient 42 (2):121-136, 2019.
"Cultural Heritage Preservation Work in Afghanistan and Central Asia." Oriental Institute Annual Report 2018-2019, pp. 27-36. 2019.
"OI Cultural Heritage Preservations Projects in Afghanistan." In Theo van den Hout (ed.) Discovering New Pasts: The OI at 100, pp. 306-317. 2019.
"Excavations at Surezha (Erbil Plain, Kurdistan Region, Iraq)." Oriental Institute Annual Report 2017-2018, pp 29-43. 2018.
"The burning issue of dung in archaeobotanical samples: a case-study integrating macro-botanical remains, dung spherulites, and phytoliths to assess sample origin and fuel use at Tell Zeidan, Syria." Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2018.
"Oriental Institute Cultural Heritage Work in Afghanistan." Oriental Institute Annual Report 2017-2018. Pp 115-121. 2018.
Alice Yao
The Archaeology of Han China (with Wengcheong Lam). Cambridge University Press, 2024.
"Mapping past human land use using archaeological data: A new classification for global land use synthesis and data harmonization." PLOS ONE 2021.
"A 17,000-year multi-proy study of the Indian Summer Monsoon from Lake Dian, Yunnan, China." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatolog, Palaeoecology, 2021.
"Vegetation, climage, and human impact since 20ka in central Yunnan Province based on high-resolution pollen and charcoal record from Dianchi." Quaternary Science Reviews, 2020.
"Two millennia of anthropogenic landscape modification and nutrient loading at Dian Lake, Yunnan Province, China" (with Hillman, A. L., Abbott, M. B., & Bain, D. J.). The Holocene, 29(3), 505–517.