courses for the current year
Fall Quarter 2022
Ancient Mediterranean World I: Greece (CLCV 20700) C. Kearns.
Ancient Sparta (CLCV 20100) J. Hall.
Archaeological Writing (Anth 56950) A. Yao & S. Newman.
Archaeology of the Ancient Near East VI: Egypt (NEAA 20006/30006) R. El-Behaedi.
Fieldwork in the Archives (ANTH 48400). S. Dawdy.
Human Origins: Milestones in Human Evolution and the Fossil Record (ANTH 28110) Z. Alemseged.
Making the Maya World (ANTH 26330/36330) S. Newman.
Making the Monsoon: The Ancient Indian Ocean (CLAS 26620) R. Payne.
Mesoamerican Architecture (ARTH 16010) C. Brittenham.
Social Theory of the City (ANTH 58600) A. Kolata.
The Greek Countryside (CLAS 27116 / CLCV 37116) C. Kearns.

UCAN relevant courses: 2021-21

Winter Quarter 2021
Animal Magnetism: Histories of Human-Animal Relationships (ANTH 20014) S. Newman.
Ancient Empires I - The Hittite Empire (NEHC 20011 / CLCV 25700) J. Osborne.
Ancient Landscapes-2 (NEAA 20070/30070 / GEOG 25800/35800) A. Lauricella.
Ancient Mediterranean World II: Rome (CLCV 20800) A. Bresson.
Ancient Stones in Modern Hands (CLCV 21019) S. Estrin & A. Goff.
Archaeological Methods and Interpretations (NEAA 20100/30100) D. Schloen.
Archaeology of Colonialism (ANTH 56500) M. Dietler.
Art & Archaeology of the Near East 3: The Levant (NEAA 20003/30003) D. Schloen.
Art of the East: China (ARTH 16100) W. Hung.
Bioarchaeology and the Human Skeleton (ANTH 28400/38800 / BIOS 23247) M.C. Lozada.
Creativity and Craftwork (ANTH 58517) A. Yao.
Greek Archaeology in 20 Objects (CLAS 27320) C. Kearns.
Heritage, Memory, and the Affective Turn: Performing and Consuming the Past (ANTH 26825) M. Dietler.
Introduction to Islamic Archaeology (NEAA 20501/30501) D. Whitcomb.
Mobility in Society: Concepts and Cultures (ANTH 22850) B. Lowry.
Objects of Andean Art (ARTH 25112/35112) A. Hamilton.
Rise of the State in the Ancient Near East (NEAA 20030/30030) G. Stein.
The Age of Innovation -- Famous Firsts 5,000 Years Ago (NEHC 21010) S. Paulus.
The Epigraphy of the Greek World (CLAS 25806) A. Bresson.
The Return of Migration: Mobility and the New Empiricism (CLAS 42720) J. Osborne & C. Kearns.
Time and Temporality: The Future Edition (ANTH 56315) S. Dawdy.

Spring Quarter 2021
Ancient Empires III - The Egyptian Empire of the New Kingdom (NEHC 20013 / CLCV 25900) B. Muhs.
Andean Art and Architecture (ARTH 16213) C. Brittenham.
Apes and Human Evolution (ANTH 21428/38600 / BIOS 13253 / HIPS 21428) R. Tuttle.
Archaeology Lab Practicum (ANTH 29500/29500) S. Dawdy.
Archaeology of Bronze Age China (EALC 28015/48015 / ANTH 26760/46760) Y.-T. Li.
Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 2: Anatolia (NEAA 20002/30002) J. Osborne.
Architectural Worlds: The Materiality and Sociality of Space (ANTH 21354) E. Vidal Montero.
Authenticity (ANTH 50615) M. Dietler.
Imperialism Before the Age of Empires? (NEHC 20737/3073) H. Reculeau.
Introduction to Zooarchaeology (ANTH 28410/38810 / NEAA 20035/30035) G. Stein.
Late Levant: Archaeology of Islamic Syria-Palestine (NEAA 20522/30522) D. Whitcomb.
Material Worlds across Premodern East Asia (ANTH 21270) A. Yao.
Neo-Hittite and Aramaean City-States (NEAA 30330) J. Osborne.
Painting and Description in the Roman World: Philostratus' Imagines - Religion, Education, Sexuality (ARTH 29001/39001) J. Elsner.
The Inca and Aztec States (ANTH 20100/40100) A. Kolata.